International cooperation
Paying a strong attention to Bologna process and our constant willingness to open new opportunities for the students, we do our best for developing international cooperation.
Moscow Humanitarian Economic University (MHEU) is opened for cooperation in education and scientific spheres. We are happy to discuss with stakeholders their suggestions and invite them for mutually beneficial cooperation.
Development of international cooperation is one of the strategic goals of MHEU with a view of integrating the University into European and global research and higher education area. For achieving this goal MHEU develops partnership relations with non-governmental international organizations, foreign educational institutions and enterprises as well as participates in international educational and research projects.
MHEU invites foreign universities and other educational Universitys and organizations to establish direct relations and to develop cooperation on the basis of agreements in the field of education and research, exchange of experience and information as well.
About us
Moscow Humanitarian Economic University was founded in 1994 and in a last twenty years has become the third in the top in Russian ratings, well-known among students and specialist.

In 2009 MHEU took the gold medal in nomination "The best universities in Russia". The rector of the University professor Liubov Demidova was awarded as the best rector of the year.
By its record of work during last twenty years, MHEU has confirmed its status as one of the national leading institutions for training qualified staff in Economics, Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations; International Relations; Psychology; Management; Law; Customs. Now MHEU is a leading educational organization in the application of modern technology in education, and ranks one of the top and elite economics university in Russia.
MHEU is a venue for 30 000 thousands students including foreign students and trainees.
MHEU has 15 campuses in different areas of Russia - More then 25 000 students study there. Among them there are more then 5 000 foreign students.
MHEU has 14 campuses in different cities of Russia: Volgograd, Voronezh, Kaluga, Klin, Kirov, Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhnekamsk, Novorossiysk, Koryazhma, Murmansk, Mineral Waters, Stavropol, Tver, Cheboksary. More then 35 000 students study there. Among them there are more then 5 000 foreign students. The language of study is Russian. There is no dormitory in the university.
MHEU mission:
- contribute to society through the pursuit of education and learning at the highest level of excellence;
- produce skilled graduates for various spheres of activity;
- take a leading position in Russian education system paying special attention to the demands and expectations of all the participants involved.
MHEU implements all levels of education, from school graduates preparation to adults learning, and offers a wide range of programs for further professional education and MBAs. Being an educational and research center whose efforts are aimed at providing high-quality education of international level for everyone MHEU consists of the following key faculties: Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations; International Relations; Psychology; Economics; Management; Law; Customs.
Education Programs
MHEU offers a broad range of educational programs, pre-university training, training of specialists and bachelors of 12 specialities and advanced scientific programs for postgraduates.
MHEU offers the following qualifications for its students:
Higher Education:
- Customs business /customs duties and currency control/;
- Law /civil law, public legal law, criminal law/;
- Economics /global economy, financial and credit, accounting, audit/;
- Management /state and municipal management, human resources, management/;
- Psychology /individual counseling, public and business consulting /;
- Journalism /theory and practice of periodical press, television journalism/;
- Advertising and Public Relations /advertising and public relations in the commercial field/;
- International Relations /international relations and foreign policy/;
- Service /service in the real estate/;
Secondary Vocational Education:
- Economics and Accounting;
- Law and Social Security Organizing;
- Social Work;
- Applied Information;
Postgraduate Science Specialities:
- Economic Theory;
- Economic and Management of National Economy;
- History and Theory of Law and State; History of Studies of Law and State;
- Civil Law;
- Business Law$ Family Law4 Private International Law;
- Social Psychology;
Forms of Study:
- Full-time (day-time) attendance;
- Part-time (evening-time) attendance;
- Correspondence course (classical form; weekend form);
Terms of Study: full-time program, short-term program
One of the main aims of MHEU is implement the Lifelong Learning (LLL) concept. The University implements this aim in two core principles:
- continuity of education;
- special education courses for everybody who wants to get new skills and knowledge.
In accordance with the idea of LLL the University offers educational programs from pre-secondary and pre-higher school courses to postgraduate and doctorate studies and business trainings.
Research Activities
The following scientific themes and subjects which have actual scientific and practical value are developed on the basis of the Moscow Humanitarian-Economic University and its filial brunches:
- psychological modeling in mass media;
- formation of social and psychological competence of young people as a prevention of social exclusion;
- research in a field of formation of linguistic culture for specialists in economics;
- formation of social and professional mobility using electronic educational resources in study of graphic design in a non-state humanitarian university;
- research of economic methods and mechanisms of crisis management in a field of industry;
- theoretical and methodological ways of the analysis of the potential resources of the regional economy;
- study of the features of formation and development of the system of legal regulation in a field of protection of intellectual property in terms of foreign trade activities of the countries-members of the Eurasian Economic Union.
The university is interested in collaborative research carried out by international scientific groups consisting of the leading scientists and young scientists as well.
Also we are looking for partners in organizing international scientific events such as conferences, seminars, round tables, etc.

Liubov Demidova - Rector of the Moscow Humanitarian Economic University, Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Liubov was born in the USSR, in the Republic of Ukraine.
In 1968 she graduated from the Kharkov State Pedagogical University and started her carrier as a teacher of a secondary school. In several years she was invited to work as a specialist to the Ministry of High Education of the USSR. In 1994 Liubov established the private university - Moscow Humanitarian Economic University and became its principal. In 2008 she defended doctoral dissertation “The Development of Higher Education in a Private University”. She is the author of more than 70 scientific articles, monographs and textbooks.
Mrs. Demidova was repeatedly awarded diplomas and medals and since 1994 she is the Rector of the Moscow Humanitarian Economic University.
Word from the Rector
Dear ladies and gentlemen!
I am pleased to introduce you Moscow Humanitarian Economic University.
MHEU is a unique educational centre, offering a world-class education in such branches as Economics, Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations; International Relations; Psychology; Management; Law; Customs. I am sure that the main result of your study in our University will be your successful carrier.
Living in a modern world demands life-long education MHEU offers its students and graduates the opportunity to receive a second diploma, to continue their studies after graduation (in post-graduate degrees and MBAs), and to undergo international certification. MGI guarantees its graduates 100% employment. We have signed contracts with various large Russian and western companies for our students to undergo practical and field training. We closely follow the situation in the labor and educational services markets; develop new promising areas for education which will open up a wide range of opportunities for our students.
Under the guidance of highly-qualified schoolmasters, coachers and professors our students participate in scientific research, conferences, publishing of articles. The University has a wide range of research circles and sections and a student scientific society of many years’ standing.
In addition to studies and academic research the students can also develop their talents in sports, arts, and social work.
Our team uses a special system for supporting first-year students, especially foreign students. We help them to adapt to University environment using well-developed advisory system. Any student with an academic or organizational issue can approach either a professor, or a student assigned to each students group.
Address: 8, bldg. 16, Leninsky Prospect, Moscow, Russia, 119049
Tel.: +7 (499) 237 55 40 (reception)
Ms. Irina Bobrysheva
General Manager of International Cooperation
Tel.: +7 (903) 584 21 82